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by stononprosed1971 2020. 3. 2. 04:37


And check out our all-new companion offer with recent 13A supplements, 13th AGE ADVENTURES(Looking for our other offers? -)Hero! We've resurrected our our December 2015 13th Age Bundle, featuring.PDF ebooks of the bestselling tabletop fantasy roleplaying game from. Created by and lead designers of the Third and Fourth Editions of Dungeons & Dragons, 13th Age combines the best parts of traditional D20 RPGs with story-focused rules that let you run the kind of game you most want to play.A huge hit in both its original run and its previous revival in May 2017, this re-resurrected bargain-priced offer gives you everything you need - rules, monsters, treasures, adventures, and even music - to run your own 13th Age campaign in the Dragon Empire or the setting of your choice. Enter the 13th Age with a trove worth US$146.Yet you pay just $$19.95 for this revived offer's Starter Collection of three complete.PDF ebooks and.MP3 music tracks, including the 13th Age rulebook and character rules supplement and the 13th Age Soundtrack with over 20 MP3 music tracks - a $62 value! And if you pay more than the current threshold price ($33.28), you'll level up and also receive all the ebooks in this revival's Bonus Collection, including the massive (and living!) megadungeon Eyes of the Stone Thief, monster and treasure books, and Diamonds and Shadows, a 171-page adventure available exclusively in this offer.

It's everything you need to start your own Dragon Empire campaign.Bundle of Holding titles are always absolutely free of, so you can move and copy them freely among all your tablets, laptops, and smartphones.Don't forget our all-new companion offer that adds recent supplements, including The Book of Ages and all three collections of Battle Scenes. You're ordering the 13th Age Bundle with the account. Right?You're paying $ to get the complete collection only the Starter Collection, not the Bonus Collection. Your generous payment qualifies you for our leaderboard, where your name will appear as. Right?If all this looks good, click this button to make your purchase.

To change something, click the X at the upper right to exit without buying. (If you don't see the payment button, please disable your browser's ad-blocking and privacy plugins for this site, then refresh the page.). You're ordering the 13th Age Bundle with the account. Right?You're paying $ to get the complete collection only the Starter Collection, not the Bonus Collection.

Your generous payment qualifies you for our leaderboard, where your name will appear as. Right?If all this looks good, click this button to make your purchase. To change something, click the X at the upper right to exit without buying. (If you don't see the payment button, please disable your browser's ad-blocking and privacy plugins for this site, then refresh the page.). 13th Age combines the best parts of traditional d20-rolling fantasy gaming with new story-focused rules, so you can run the kind of game you most want to play.

' 13th Age is, perhaps, the first d20 game I've ever played that treats the game inside combat and the game outside combat with equal love, attention, and innovation.' - Jon Spengler,'Take good parts from each version of D&D produced to date, add a sprinkle of indie game innovation, spice with over-the-top setting tidbits, blend, and serve.' - Fedifensor,'The goal of 13th Age is to take that familiar D20 system and infuse it with the idea that each session or campaign should be a collaborative storytelling effort between the players and the GM. For instance, you don't select from a menu of skills. Instead, you create background elements for your character, and you derive skills from that background when each situation arises.

So if you gave your character a background as a captain of a fishing boat, you could argue you get a bonus on skill checks involving navigation, tying or untying knots, identifying aquatic species, and leading small groups.' Perhaps the most distinctive part of 13th Age character creation is the 'One Unique Thing.' You're not playing just any dwarf who goes out on adventures. You're playing the only dwarf in the world with a clockwork heart. Or a warrior with the soul of a dragon. Or a wizard who hears the singing of the stars. Again, there's no list to choose from.

You make up your own Unique Thing. The fantastic story that emerges from it is the whole point of 13th Age.' - Ed Grabianowski,Rob Heinsoo has created dozens of role-playing games, card games, miniatures games and board games.

He led the design of the 4th Edition of Dungeons & Dragons and wrote or led the design of many 4e sourcebooks. Games he worked on in the '90s that have aged well include Shadowfist, Feng Shui, and King of Dragon Pass. Jonathan Tweet created or co-created the roleplaying games Ars Magica (1987), Over the Edge (1992), and Everway (1995). He started writing for Dungeons & Dragons in 1992, and in 2000 he became the lead designer of the game's 3rd Edition.13th Age copyright © 2013 Fire Opal Media. All rights reserved.

Published by Pelgrane Press Ltd. Under license from Fire Opal Media. As the 13th Age unfolds, its mysteries - and dangers - grow more numerous. Undreamed-of creatures crawl up from the underworld, descend from the sky on metallic wings, and slip through the cracks in reality.

Strange magic is loose in the world, drawn from the Wild, from the realms of chaos and death, and from the inner power of ki. Patch things up with your surly magic weapon, hero. The adventure is just beginning.13 True Ways expands 13th Age in exciting new directions. In its 256 pages you'll find new classes (chaos mage, commander, druid, monk, occultist, necromancer), the keys to Horizon, the Great Gold Wyrm's secret assassin, treasure to loot, artifacts that might just loot you, and a brimstone-scented chapter on devils by Robin D. Gamemasters get details and adventure seeds for Axis, the Court of Stars, Drakkenhall, Horizon, and Santa Cora; More ways to use the Icons, including variant Icons and relationship results tied to a location; New monsters to challenge your players, including devils, metallic dragons, werebeasts, and soul flensers; four detailed new NPCs with multiple campaign options; and many 'Lists of 13': deadly dungeons, flying realms, must-visit inns, and more.Learn more at the. The True Way. 'Fans like me have been clamoring for more 13th Age since there was a 13th Age!

And this product shows it's been made with care and love for the system. I love the new classes, powers, places, monsters, and items. This book does monks right for the first time.

If you like 13th Age even a little bit, go buy this one now! 98%' -'The NPCs herein show a glimpse of the awesomeness that can be made with this setting and quite frankly, while reading just about any section, I was left wanting more - I wanted the full-blown underkraken campaign; I wanted a fully mapped Drakkenhall, with all details.

I wanted Santa Cora in all its details, with hundreds of festivals and taboos. This is an inspired book that provided quite an array of cool ideas I will most definitely use, including using one of the devil myths in my current campaign. For 13th Age groups, this is a glorious supplement, a must-have purchase, and even if you only are remotely interested in the world or the concepts I mentioned, this may very well be worth it for the idea-scavenging alone.'

- Thilo Graf,13 True Ways copyright © 2014 Fire Opal Media. All rights reserved.

Published by Pelgrane Press Ltd. Under license from Fire Opal Media. The 13th Age Soundtrack, by James Semple and an array of talented musicians and composers, brings you 30 pieces of music to evoke excitement, suspense, wonder and mystery at your gaming table. Keep it running in the background; play individual tracks to herald the arrival of battle, the Icons or a change in location; or use it as inspiration while building worlds, characters, and monsters. (Or, you know, just enjoy it as a really great album.)The 13th Age Soundtrack includes themes for the Icons and for key locations in the Dragon Empire, or places of your own creation that have a similar atmosphere; music for frantic chases, fierce combat, exploration, resting, and remembrance; and special utility tracks - play 'Chase Music' and 'Escalation 0-6' on a loop to sustain the mood for as long as you need. This epic collection of music, soundscapes and loops, created with high professional standards of orchestration and live musicians, conjures a panormamic soundscape of the Dragon Empire.

It's beyond what many fully-fledged video games or movies would expect. Listen and wonder!Watch. The True Way. 13th Age Soundtrack listing1.

13th Age: Prophecies fail. Demons invade, living dungeons rip toward the surface, and the Empire's protectors falter. A sweeping anthem for the heroes who will save the world, or die trying.2. Archmage: He has preserved the Empire for centuries and created astonishing new lands. He has also threatened the fabric of reality with experiments you'd have to be brilliant or hugely arrogant to attempt.3. Crusader: He's the armored fist of the dark gods, crusading against demons - but happy to stomp out virtue or innocence if they're stupid enough to get in his way.4. Diabolist: Unlike the demons she controls, the Diabolist doesn't necessary want to destroy the universe.

She wants to play with it, as a tiger plays with a troupe of monkeys. Those who dance best may not be eaten.5. Dwarf King: The Dwarf King remembers when his kingdom in the deeps was the mightiest in all creation. Forced towards the surface by elven treachery, he guards the Empire from threats such as the orcs while calculating how to claim the Empire for his own.

Or maybe he's content to mine the treasures of the earth, and build great things that his ancestors would have coveted. Elf Queen: Once upon a time, the Elf Queen united the dark elves, wood elves, and high elves as one people. Now she is the only thing they have in common.7. Emperor: The ruler of the Dragon Empire holds his Empire together with armies, magic, force of will, tolerably wise rule, and grand squadrons of dragons. You may not agree with him, but you're not going to mistake him for someone who does things halfway.8. Great Gold Wyrm: This great gold dragon is the champion of the oppressed and those who fight for justice.

Unfortunately the Wyrm is stuck holding the gates of the hells shut against the demons, so the Wyrm's champions must do its work in the world.9. High Druid: She is the champion of the resurgent Wild, and the spiritual and magical leader of spirits of nature and the elements that were chained by the Emperor and Archmage but are now working themselves free.10. Lich King: The Lich King is the not-quite-insane lord of the undead, a fallen tyrant who plans to conquer the Dragon Empire.

He mostly understands that ruling a kingdom is not the same as destroying it.11. Orc Lord: The leader of the hordes. An apocalyptic icon of war, disease, and endings that could be worse than death.12. Priestess: The gods are distant but she hears all the gods of light and speaks for those who please her. Part oracle, part mystic, and part metaphysical engineer, since she created the Cathedral, an ever-expanding temple with rooms or entire wings for each of the faiths she favors.13.

Fiasco Rpg Pdf Torrent

The Three: Three ancient dragons cooperate to become one of the dominant evils of the world. The red dragon embodies fury, the black masters stealth and betrayal, and the blue has used sorcery to become a legally appointed governor of the Empire as well as an evil mastermind!14. The Eyes of the Stone Thief: The Stone Thief is a terrible centuries-old living dungeon that cuts through the earth, surfacing to swallow people and places that the heroes love.15.

Tales Around the Fire: For the rare moments when nothing is trying to kill you.16. Exploration: Descending into the ruined temple.

Opening the gates of the living dungeon. Moving in the dark down a corridor that might be made of stone, but then why is the stone breathing?

Wind from up ahead, but it's not the wind from the surface. Welcome to the underworld.17. The Demon Coast: Coastlines can be bad business on the Midland Sea, home to all the evil things forced out of the ocean by the Empire's magic.

The coast just north of the Abyss is even worse, hit by tides of evil from both directions.18. The Fangs: The rivers that feed into the Midland Sea are dangerous places and this is the worst of the bunch, fast moving forks of water populated by sahuagin and sea devils and other creatures forced out of the Midland Sea by the Blessed Emperor. Another great tune for ramping up the tension.19. High Dock: There aren't any actual docks in these rolling western hills, and the name may or may not be a joke.

For magical reasons no one understands, all the flying realms of the Empire eventually drop low and bump up against the hills or take out big chunks of the terrain in terrible skidding ‘landings.' Eventually the realms lift off again. If you want to hitch a ride into the overworld, head to the High Dock and take your chances.20. Omen: This island started small. It's growing like a cancer in the center of the Midland Sea, bulking up the worst way possible as living dungeon after living dungeon tear up to the surface, depositing their payloads of monstrous weirdness. On the bright side, there's nobody competing for space on the beach, you should be able to catch a good thirty minutes of sun before the monsters smell you.21.

Starport: The stars come to this mountain for repair and refitting. What does this mean, you ask? We don't know - we left it open for each game table to decide for themselves.22. Dreams of a Lost Age: Every culture in the world has its own version of this song. The world is ancient, all have lost things they would have wanted to preserve. They summon the dreams in song.23. Chase Music: Who is chasing whom?

Doesn't matter. Put it on loop to cue frantic backward glances, quick changes of direction, and short cuts that lead to greater peril.24-30. Escalation 0 through Escalation 6: You can use this music to accompany the escalation die, starting at 0 and topping off at 6; or loop the low levels for relatively normal situations, then switch to high levels when power makes the air hum.Media composer has composed or produced soundtracks for several GUMSHOE System games from Pelgrane Press, including Ashen Stars, The Esoterrorists, and Trail of Cthulhu.13th Age Soundtrack copyright © 2015 Pelgrane Press Ltd. All rights reserved. Published by Pelgrane Press Ltd. Under license from Fire Opal Media.

In 13th Age, living dungeons slither up through the underworld and invade the surface lands. The Stone Thief is the most ancient and cunning of its kind, a vast monster that preys on the cities and structures you love, swallows them, and remakes them into more deathtrap-filled levels inside itself. Now it's hunting you.

Embark on a saga of madness, revenge, and giant monsters. Aid or thwart the schemes of the Icons as they battle for control of the dungeon - slay, loot and survive deep in the bowels of the earth - and perhaps destroy this age-old threat forever. Enter the Stone Thief, find its secrets, and defeat it - or die trying.This monstrous 360-page campaign covers the entire Champion tier (4th to 8th level) with 13 levels of peril, from the dungeon's opening Maw to the orc hordes of the Deep Keep, the terrors of the Pit of Undigested Ages, and the nightmare city beyond the Onyx Catacombs. There are new monsters, new treasures, new traps, and new factions for your 13th Age campaign. The True Way.

Designer Gareth Ryder-Hanrahan recalls.' Eyes of the Stone Thief started out with the working title Moby Dungeon, which rather gives the game away. It's inspired by Moby-Dick, with the whale swapped for a dungeon full of traps and monsters.' The campaign also takes place outside the dungeon. Factions within the Stone Thief have agents on the surface; clues found in the dungeon point to other adventures; and of course, the Icons have their own schemes and agendas involving the Stone Thief.

Also, the dungeon can eat places and turn them into new levels. That wizard's tower you just visited? That city where you grew up? That castle the Emperor just granted you as a reward? They're all targets for the Stone Thief.' Inspirations run from Piranesi's drawings of Carceri to House of Leaves and Gormenghast to photographs of abandoned buildings in Detroit to classic dungeons like Undermountain and the Tomb of Horrors to Knightmare.

And back again to Moby-Dick. If the dungeon's the White Whale, then the player characters risk becoming a band of crazed, vengeance-seeking Ahabs.' Reviews'In the world of 13th Age, not all dungeons are death-traps created by insane villains or treasure-hoarding despots. Some are sentient death-traps borne of wild magic bubbling up through the earth. These latter constructs are known as 'living dungeons,' and show up to wreak havoc on unassuming geography.

Such living dungeons are bizarre accretions of monsters and traps that infest a location, inviting heroic adventurers to defeat them (or powerful enemies to turn them into deadly pets). The Stone Thief is the oldest known living dungeon, a malevolent conglomeration of earth and ore and magical self-awareness who was old when the ages were still young. Unlike other living dungeons, it doesn't just pop up and wait for adventurers to kill it. It's a predator.' Eyes of the Stone Thief itself is a shiny new car, ready for the track.

But the book as a whole also gives you the tools and tips to customize the car for your track, your players, and your group's preferred type of race. It's also an engaging meta-fictional twist on a standard gaming trope. The tried-and-true (and sometimes tired) dungeon crawl turns into chess match against a living dungeon who can strike anywhere. A foray against your enemy involves literally jumping down its throat, and hoping you survive and escape with something useful.' -'The story and the dungeon are a plausible set-piece in a high-fantasy environment.

Everything is perfectly fitted for usage at the table in 13th Age's generic campaign setting and easily tailored to the PCs in your game. As well, you could rip everything apart and use bits and pieces as you go in your very own adventures and settings. Also it provides a lot very helpful concepts for every dungeoneering campaign. The only thing you could criticize is that the book provides too much content.

I won't do this.' - Sizzlan,Gareth Ryder-Hanrahan is a staff designer for Pelgrane Press. He has written extensively for Trail of Cthulhu, Night's Black Agents, and other GUMSHOE System games. He designed the Primeval RPG (Cubicle 7) and the first edition of Mongoose Traveller.Eyes of the Stone Thief copyright © 2014 Pelgrane Press Ltd. All rights reserved. Published by Pelgrane Press Ltd. Under license from Fire Opal Media.

'Don't worry, guys. It's just a bunch of orcs.'

- Last words of Eldred Sunblade, paladin of AxisThe 13th Age Bestiary introduces all-new creatures for 13th Age, plus surprising takes on some of your favorite monsters. It includes the fun and flexible mechanics you expect from 13th Age - and it makes every monster an adventure in its own right, with story hooks, icon relationships, customizable campaign elements, and more advice on building exciting battles.Because we made it so easy to create your own monsters in 13th Age, we had to make the creatures in this book truly amazing; so we designed cool and unexpected mechanics for each creature that bring something truly new to the game, and story options that can serve as the starting point for a single adventure or an entire campaign. In this 240-page book you'll discover the macabre lich aristocrats of the Undying Peerage; the shadow dragon, which baits greedy adventurers with cursed treasure; the twygzogs, a genuinely weird new player character race of fungaloids; the intellect devourer, which can slip undetected into the party after eating someone's brain - and be transformed by the experience to join the side of the heroes; and many more.And because only you know how to mold our monsters to fit your 13th Age game, you can choose from a variety of approaches. Unleash the monsters in the 13th Age Bestiary on your players for encounters they'll never forget. The True Way.

'The Bestiary is top-shelf RPG material, with the layout and art one would expect of a book twice this book's retail price. Publisher Pelgrane Press has struck an excellent balance between value and aesthetic throughout all of their books, and 13th Age continues to be the ship of the line. What makes the Bestiary so awesome is its transcendence from 'book full of bad guys for your players to murder and loot' to an actual, honest-to-God sourcebook.

With all the background details, advice on setting up encounters, and variations on every conventional monster trope, the Bestiary is as much a monster-focused GM's guide as it is a book of beasts.' The kobold entry in the Bestiary is seven pages long. There are eight different brands of kobold listed (not including the baseline kobold, which is not even in the book, since the stats for them are in the corebook). There's three paragraphs of GM advice on building kobold-flavored encounters. There's a section detailing relationships between kobolds and each of 13th Age's icons. There's six paragraphs of kobold-specific magic items.

There's four adventure hooks. There's even a brand-new ability, trapster, with an entire page of description and usable not just by kobolds, but any monster that could conceivably have skill in trap-building. And all of that is just one entry. Ed Gibbs,'All told, over 52 primary entries and 200 stat blocks, with a ton of scenario and encounter ideas, loot details, icon relations, battle tactics and ecologies.

It is a lot, and as monster books go this is one of the best I've read, providing a ton of useful content and doing something I generally feel a lot of RPGs fail at: being an entertaining read as well as a useful sourcebook.' - Nicholas Bergquist,'I love the way 13th Age handles monsters - minimal stat blocks combined with stories and pictures. Lots of breaks in the text make this a breeze and a joy to read. This is a page-turner making you want to read the next entry. This is an awesome bestiary. 100%' -13th Age Bestiary copyright © 2014 Fire Opal Media and Pelgrane Press Ltd. All rights reserved.

Published by Pelgrane Press Ltd. Under license from Fire Opal Media. What's in this book? It's both an answer and an exhortation. Yes, 13th Age is all about the story and the awesome action, but we've all got a treasure-hungry munchkin inside of us, and it's time to let that grubby-fingered kid out to play.The Book of Loot is full of more magic items to be found, stolen, given as rewards, or otherwise looted by the player characters. We've also thrown in a short chapter on ways to make mundane treasure more interesting, and a selection of new one-use magic items.

The True Way. Designer Gareth Ryder-Hanrahan on Book of Loot'After the gigantic, swollen monstrosity of a supplement that was Eyes of the Stone Thief, Book of Loot was a nice change. It's inspired by memories of early '90s 'Bazaar of the Bizarre' articles in Dragon.

Arranging the items by Icon not only gave the treasures themselves a theme, but also proved an interesting way to play with different aspects and perspectives of each Icon.' Reviews'This book, much like the superb Bestiary of 13th Age, is more inspired than I ever believed possible.

The Book of Loot was not a book I looked forward to reading. When I did, I was continuously and constantly blown away - so much so, that I have used a lot of the items herein - in 13th Age, Pathfinder, Dungeon Crawl Classics. Their playfulness and imaginative potential is downright genius and they bring back a sense of the unpredictable, of the magical.' Author Gareth Ryder-Hanrahan delivers an absolutely stunning assortment of items that breathe narrative potential, that inspire, that actually feel like they could spring straight from the pages of your favorite fantasy novels, with the vast majority of them being able to support a story all on their own - or even a campaign.' - Thilo Graf,Book of Loot copyright © 2014 Pelgrane Press Ltd. All rights reserved. Published by Pelgrane Press Ltd.

Under license from Fire Opal Media, Inc. Available exclusively this offer and nowhere elseNote: Diamonds and Shadows is available exclusively in this offer and nowhere else, including DriveThruRPG. Download your copy from your Wizard's Cabinet download page on the Bundle of Holding site.The Prince of Shadows, the mysterious and untrustworthy Icon of the Dragon Empire, is calling in his markers.

To repay their debt, the heroes must steal a powerful magic item for him, the Darkskye Diamond. The attempt spirals out of control, leading to high adventure.This 171-page supplement collects, updates, and expands seven modules from the popular first season of the Pelgrane Press 13th Age Organized Play program. This compilation includes extensive new text that lets you play the module sequence as a single campaign. Whether you're looking for a one-shot adventure for game night or a full adventurer-to-epic campaign, Diamonds and Shadows has you covered.

The True Way. From Rob Heinsoo's Foreword' Diamonds and Shadows is the result of a development in 13th Age design that took me by surprise. I was convinced 13th Age organized play wasn't possible because - in my previous experience - organized play requires standardization: every player can expect the same experience at every table, and every GM can expect that players won't bring weird homebrewed PCs to games. The One Unique Thing made that kind of standardization impossible, I argued, because characters can have game-changing uniques like 'I am the only half-elf in the world.'

'Thankfully ASH LAW knew better. ASH had joined our 13th Age efforts as the most effervescent gamemaster we knew, and with her characteristic ebullience said that organized play wouldn't be a problem if we simply vetoed One Unique Things which described a PC as the only character in the world who had their unique features. So long as no one's uniques ruled out other people's uniques, organized play could work. ASH and a group of enthusiastic collaborators then proved it by designing four successful 13th Age Organized Play adventures - adventures that have now been updated and compiled (together with a lot of brand new material) as the Diamonds and Shadows campaign.' A few words of explanation for those completely new to these adventures: Because they were originally created for groups to play as weekly two-hour sessions of the 13th Age Organized Play program, they were originally designed with specific time limits in mind. As such, if you play Diamonds and Shadows as written you'll find the adventure has a natural rhythm, alternating between freeform montages, roleplaying, combat, and more combat.

The various sections of the adventure are written for higher and higher level characters. If you play Diamonds and Shadows as written, moving from one section to the next, you'll level your characters up much faster than in most campaigns. Starting at 2nd level, you're all beholden to that stealthy puppeteer, the Prince of Shadows. By the end of Diamonds and Shadows, you're all 7th level, and you may have chosen among several of the Icons as your ally - and from even more of them as your true enemy.' Diamonds and Shadows copyright © 2015 Pelgrane Press Ltd. All rights reserved. Published by Pelgrane Press Ltd.

Under license from Fire Opal Media. A short way down the coast from the mighty city of Horizon, the town of Eldolan has problems. The town's three rival wizard schools feud constantly; the town guard, the Silver Shields, must clean up the wizards' messes. The Council of Mages,who truly rule the town, practice political one-upmanship that stops political progress.

And at night, rumors of people going missing keep the common folk close to the magically lighted streets. A darkness has been growing in Eldolan, and those who seek old power have plans to show everyone what true fear is.Shadows of Eldolan is an introductory 13th Age adventure for 1st-level heroes that provides a town setting full of intrigue.

Whether as a base for adventures or as a starting point for a campaign, Eldolan's plot hooks and adventure options suit any style of play.Compared to some of the wilder 13th Age adventures, Shadows of Eldolan plays it straight. Your campaign will already be loaded with plot hooks and complications, thanks to the player characters' One Unique Things and Backgrounds. Weirdness may be just around the corner, but it can be the PCs who supply it. Therefore Eldolan is a straightforward mix of business districts, NPCs just trying to keep their heads above water, and duelling wizards' schools.

There's ample room for your campaign's unique embroidery. The True Way. ' Shadows of Eldolan is a very good adventure. It has everything I look for: a well-constructed story, strong opportunities for roleplaying, good environments, and cool set-piece combats. It's an investigation that gives the PCs lots of freedom to pursue the leads that most interest them, and it even provides a fairly interesting city to explore.

I've really never seen a D&D-ish adventure quite like this one. Shadows provides a sequence of mini-arcs and set-piece encounters but largely leaves it up to the GM how to fit them together. (To be sure, there are suggestions and tools, but each GM will have to make the details up themselves.). Overall, I'm very impressed with this adventure, both with the strategies that reconcile 13th Age's freewheeling narrative sensibilities and the specific story and encounters developed here.'

- The Other Steve,Cal Moore was a Senior Technical Editor at Wizards of the Coast and has worked freelance with Privateer Press, and Catalyst Game Labs. He wrote the first book in Pelgrane's 13th Age Battle Scenes series, High Magic & Low Cunning: Battle Scenes for Five Icons.Shadows of Eldolan copyright © 2014 Pelgrane Press Ltd. All rights reserved. Published by Pelgrane Press Ltd.

Under license from Fire Opal Media. Your PC has gold to burn?

Spend it on something that could make everyone's lives more interesting - especially the GM.Candles, Clay & Dancing Shoes was published in 2015 as the third installment of the 13th Age Monthly subscription. Here are six new useful, bizarre, and effective one-use magic items, festooned with multiple adventure hooks and campaign variants. Is that dwarf wearing a featherlight skirt beneath his kilt?

If you fire an exorcist missile at a dybbuk at twilight, which one of you screams first? What happens to your spell list if you drink too much gnomish tinto wine (secret ingredient: grave dust)? Answers to these and 75 related questions are all here! The True Way.

The magic items. Blacklight candle: The wax is black; the light itself is invisible, save to the person holding the candle. Clay of life: This reddish clay knits together wounds when applied, though it has more unsavory uses, such as creating flesh golems. Dancing shoes: These shoes have one good dance in them, but what a dance!. Exorcist missile: This ethereal arrow passes straight through solid foes, but strikes ethereal enemies. You can tell an exorcist missile by the fish carved on the shaft; the talismancer who makes these lives in Fullcatch Bay, and it is his way of signing his handiwork. Featherlight Skirt: Useful for high-wire performers, mountain climbers, and cat burglars.

Grave dust:: Taken from graves of those that died from dark sorcery, this dust sends others to sleep.Candles, Clay & Dancing Shoes copyright © 2015 Pelgrane Press Ltd. All rights reserved. Published by Pelgrane Press Ltd.

Under license from Fire Opal Media. Rob Heinsoo's design notesI had fun writing this one because I've been thinking a lot about how summoning works in 13th Age while working on 13th Age in Glorantha.

Fiasco Game Guide

Two things this curmudgeon noticed with the afternoon read-through.1) The book and era evoke the Conan-style I originally felt, but there are a few races and monsters that specifically screamed 'It's D&D, but with no elves!' 2) I'm the deranged demographic that's happy with black and white artwork. The book is chock full of full color pieces, many taking up more than half of many pages.

In a strange world like Tal, this isn't usually a problem, but for a 258-page core document, that's a lot less text. Your mileage, of course, may vary. 2015-2016 Burning Plastic 2/1, Call of Cthulhu 0/7, Car Wars the Card Game 3/1, Cards Against Humanity 1/0, Chupacabre Dice 6/2, Divine Right 2/0, Dungeon Roll 7/1, Dungeon Saga 2/1, Eggs and Empires 1/0, Fluxx 1/1, Gaslight 1/0, Gnome Wars 2/0, Heroclix 2/4, History of the World 1/0, Kings of War 1/0, Kobolds Ate My Baby 0/1, Legions of Steel 1/2, Loop Inc 1/0, Martian Dice 2/1, No Mercy 1/1, Santa's Bag 3/1, Savage Showdown 3/6, Spirit of '77 0/2, The Race Game 1/1, TIARA 0/1, To Cry a Joust 1/0, TWERPS 0/1, Uno 2/0, Village on the Hill 0/1, Zombie Dice 5/0.